Foundation Course in Yoga

Foundation Course in Yoga is the monthly Yoga Course conducted by YOGACHETHANA™ College of Yoga and Research. Syllabus in Tune with Ministry of AYUSH-YCB/QCI Certification. We are offering a foundation course for integral health. This course module will help you learn all the basic yogic practices such as asanas, pranayamas, meditations, shatkriyas and understand the science and concepts behind them. This course decided from the perspective of integral health.
Aim of Certification
The aim is to produce Yoga professionals such that an IYA certified professional will have minimum / basic common standards of Yoga knowledge and expertise, irrespective of which institute he or she is certified from. These standards will become the hallmark of Yoga all over the world. Follow the instructions given in this brochure for comfortable stay and successful completion of the course.
Indian Yoga Association permanent certificate – IYA, Free Yoga Professional membership with IYA & Eligibility to appear for Exam – YPI -Yoga Certification Board (YCB) Govt. of India.
Role of IYA
YOGACHETHANA™ is an accredited member for this course. Certificates once issued by YOGACHETHANA™ to candidates on successfully completing the Courses will be permanent. IYA reserves the right to and will conduct audit checks on the Courses to be conducted by the Member Institutes.
- 50-hour Yoga Foundation Course-Online and Offline modules
- Live sessions by a certified professional faculty
- Available for national and international students
- Accommodation available for international and national students
- Get a first-hand experience of the yogic lifestyle
- Online sessions will be held over Zoom, Google Duo etc.
- English instructions. Hindi, Kannada, and Malayalam language can be provided if needed.
- The course can start as soon as you sign up
- Self-paced is possible upon discussion with the teacher
Yoga Styles
- Hatha Yoga
- Traditional Yoga
- Ashtanga Yoga
- Special sessions on Chair Yoga (inspired By Iyengar )
- Eligibility 16 years of age
- Duration 50 Hours in 10 days
- Curriculum Practical : Theory = 80 : 20
- Minimum Contact Hours 80% I.E. 40 Hours
- Practical 32 Hours
- Theory 8 Hours
Dos & Don’t / General RULES
Once you book your course or Yoga retreat Vacation, the guest/student should be happily ready to adhere to the following Rules and regulations in campus as a Yoga family member –
Since YOGACHETHANA™ College of Yoga and Research is a Yoga oriented campus and not a guesthouse, we expect from all from our retreatants and students to watch the accompanying standards keeping in mind the true goal to keep up a environment helpful for internal reflection & facilitate best learning while studying as an ardent student for all present in the campus :
1.) Yoga Students/Guests kindly don’t enter the Kitchen . But occasionally if you have been permitted to cook of your choice is ok.
2.) To help us to promote sattvic eating – no meat, fish or any non veg food are permitted .
3.) Practicing quietness in all classes is appreciated but personal queries can be raised after the class
4.) We need to assure the wellbeing and safety of our Yoga Students/Guests. Subsequently, we request you to come back to the campus not later than 10 pm.
5.) All Yoga Students/Guests are expected to take part in Yoga classes , Meditation sessions and prayers held from day by day. No exemptions other than permitted because of some health issue.
6.) Smoking, Alcohol, and Drugs of any sort are entirely not permitted.
7.) To keep up quiet condition Please keep all music at a lowest level in your accommodation and no music device allowed to play after 10 pm.
8.) This is your own campus , We request all students / Guests to help , respect each other to maintain a conducive one family like environment and maintain a perfect environment of love care and peace in the campus and their accommodation. No Anger is allowed.
10.) Please participate and help us to maintain cleanliness as Karma Yoga is the best way to give back as your Seva to yoga campus.
11.) Use Respectfully dresses. (One must avoid shirts over the knee, Tank-Top Shirts or Tight and uncovering apparels).
12.) The friends, relatives, and outsiders related to students / Guests are not permitted to visit any accommodation inside the campus but can visit and meet the desired person in the reception area.
13.) Every individual will wash his own particular garments in the clothes washer and he/she will dry themselves. Paid service also available on reasonable charges
14) People are not permitted to share or change the accommodation without prior approval and sometimes required by campus working / weather circumstances, Your accommodation can be changed .
Course Materials: Two sets of tops and a Course manual are provided as a part of the course material and are not included in the course fee((But available at nominal price cost to cost).
Language: The course is taught in English and in Hindi explanation is available for Indian Students
Please enquire before making any travel plans if you do not have a good command of both written and spoken English.
Evaluation of students is as per YCB Examination standards conducted directly by IYA as Pr.CB
Supplemental Course Material: Apart from the manual, there are some recommended texts for the course. These are not included in the course fee and can be bought from our centre :
- Extra Yoga Books as per syllabus requirement
- Bhagavad Gita
- To maintain the spiritual atmosphere of the ashram guests please review Centres Do’s & Don’ts
- Things to Bring: These items can also be purchased at our centre .
- Comfortable clothes
- Sandals
- Toiletries
- Towel
- Personal items
- Water bottle (Reusable, we try and limit the amount of single-use plastic)
- Torch
- Meditation shawl (for cool evenings)
- Yoga asana mat
- Meditation cushion
- Notebooks and pens
Meals: Simple Indian vegetarian meals are provided twice daily . (It is not possible to cater to personal dietary preferences beyond the yogic-vegetarian meals from our side )
Foundation Course in Yoga designed in such a way that it provides the platform to learn many things. The core values of the this course are as follows.
- Through this program development is achieved (Physical, mental, social and spiritual awareness).
- Awareness of yoga, spiritual and traditional values are created among the public by the students who are trained at YOGACHETHANA™ College of Yoga and Research in the right way of living.
- Development of skills in various areas, which are multi-applicable to any situations, be it employment or leisure pursuit.
- Here every day activity are done which continue to instill traditional values to the students using a variety of methods
- Maitrimilan – Chanting of Slok-Sangraha based on B.Gita and discourse on topics related to Yoga and spirituality
- Karma yoga – Self less service.
- Sattvic food -adjustment to eating a balance, simple, wholesome foods.
- Honesty, sincerity, integrity, punctuality, morality, importance to traditional values, Universal brotherhood (all are referred as bhaiya’s or didi’s), spiritual values, value of rising early in the morning.
- Overall the lifestyle change.
- Self analysis (Working back at the activities and evaluating those activities).
- Constant reviewing the running of the course.
- With daily meetings – reviewing what took place the day before. Ensuring any problems that arise are dealt with quickly, efficiently and effectively so that students are not disturbed un-necessarily.
- Monthly review meeting are done once the course is complete for the analysis of success and failures. The monthly course is dissected with the use of the daily records to ensure, the next month runs even better than previous.
- It is our mission to ensure the student receives the best education, understanding and development within short span. This is done with the use of feedback forms from the students, staff, alumni, parents and management.
Yoga may be considered an ancient science but it is dynamic and makes use of new technologies
- Teaching
- Learning (student centered learning techniques)
- Teaching methodology (computers, LCD, Power point)
- Streamlined computer process to maintain students records and Governance (for administration)
- Yoga may be considered an ancient science but it is dynamic and makes use of new technologies