About us

We as an academy accepted Yoga as a science and providing a forum for general education and certified programs on Yoga. Our college set a sathvik place for the students who have thirst on knowledge of yoga with suitable practicing yogasana studios. We offer wide variety of University programs like YIC (Yoga Instructor Certification), BSc Yoga, MSc Yoga along with short term courses & therapy sessions. We are expertise in making Yoga teachers and supported number of spiritual seekers of Yoga through our Institution. We wish to offer our courses to all desirable candidates who has strong will and wish to learn Yoga and who can carry this knowledge in future with right perspective.

 We provide a forum to learn the great traditional yoga scriptures like Pathanjala Yoga Suthra, Hata Pradeepika, Bhagavathgeetha, Geranda samhitha, Yoga Vasista, Upanishads along with basic Sanskrit Classes. Our library explore you all major yoga related scriptures in Sanskrit, Kannada and English language. Regular classes will be there to train chanting of yoga scripts.

We also support beginners of Yoga, and people who wish to explore in wide variety of Asanas, Pranayama and Meditation techniques. Individual or group Yoga therapy programs Yogasana training sessions are conducted periodically.

Institution also set a lab for yoga related research projects, training research scholars, conduct seminars and workshops on yoga and support short term research or dissertation activities.